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韦斌,隋宇,邓小玉,王向兵,陈亚彬 (广东电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心 广东 广州 510000) 
中文关键词:频域压缩  图像加密  混沌
Image Encryption Scheme Based on Frequency Domain Compression and 2D Discrete Chaos
Abstract:Aiming at the contradiction between security and efficiency of digital image encryption, this paper proposes a digital image encryption scheme based on two-dimensional discrete hyperchaos and frequency domain compression. First, the image matrix is obtained by dividing the image and converting it into a frequency domain matrix. Then, driven by the key, a hyperchaotic system is used to encrypt the frequency domain matrix, making it highly secure and random. Next, the Hadama transform is used to transform the encrypted frequency domain matrix, which further enhances the security of encryption. Finally, the compression coding technology is used to compress the encrypted matrix, which achieves the purpose of reducing the amount of transmitted data. Experimental results show that the image encryption scheme proposed in this paper has high encryption strength and security, and reduces the size of transmitted data and improves transmission efficiency under the premise of ensuring encryption efficiency and image quality. At the same time, the scheme has strong robustness, can resist various attacks, and has good application prospects.
keywords:frequency domain compression  image encryption  chaos
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