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安文涛,陈珊珊 (南京邮电大学 计算机学院江苏 南京 210023) 
中文关键词:知识图谱  RippleNet推荐模型  复杂网络  子网抽取
A Method for Improving Recommendation Accuracy Based on RippleNet Model
Abstract:The RippleNet model introduces vector representation while making full use of entity connection relationships, mining high-level semantics, and achieving accurate recommendation but does not fully consider the importance of data. This paper eliminates data redundancy and improves the recommendation accuracy of the RippleNet model by constructing the largest subnet of the concept map. Using the idea of constructing the largest subnet, the original data redundancy is eliminated by constructing the largest subnet. After processing redundant data, the average accuracy of different k values in the Top-k scenario compared to the original data increased by 1%; the average AUC value obtained in the CTR click-through rate prediction scenario increased from 91.3% to 91.9%. Experiments show that the recommendation accuracy can be improved by extracting the largest subnet.
keywords:knowledge graph  RippleNet recommendation model  complex network  subnet extract
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