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向柯宇1,2,蒋广1,2,曹杰1,2,凌笑1,2 (1.国网湖南电力有限公司信息通信分公司湖南 长沙 4100292.电力物联网湖南省重点实验室湖南 长沙 410029) 
中文关键词:电网数据中台  存储优化  冷数据  拉链表
Optimization of Power Grid Data Middle Platform Storage
Abstract:When operating electricity data middle platform, to strengthen the cost control and ensure a stable platform, we need to optimize resources for it’s data storage.This paper proposes cold data archiving, zipper table and invalid data cleaning targeted,then completes implementation and evaluated the effectiveness of the solution.The problem that data middle platform storage had been occupied too much can be solved by the above measure.These measures can help enterprises reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, resource utilization, productivity and customer satisfaction,ensure data middle platform stability, and assist users with applications of power big data.
keywords:power grid data middle platform  storage optimization  cold data  zipper table
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