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鄢家鑫,陈青,李朋洲,周寒,刘晓东 (中国核动力研究设计院四川 成都 610213) 
中文关键词:泄漏检测  背景差分  红外视频  图像分割
Research on Steam Leak Detection Based on Improved GMM Background Subtraction Method
Abstract:In order to detect the steam leakage of the reactor loop test device, the paper proposed an improved infrared video detection method of steam leakage based on the background subtraction method. This method collects images with the infrared camera, and uses the Wasserstein distance to match the pixels, and uses the K-means method to update the improved Gaussian mixture background model (GMM). In the post-processing, adaptive mean filtering and morphological methods are used to suppress environmental noise. The hierarchical fusion feature of the grayscale, shape and area of the leakage image is used to achieve graded detection of steam leakage.To quantify the algorithm’s effectiveness, metrics such as leakage alarm rate and F1 score are used to evaluate the detection method, and the Dice coefficient is proposed as the evaluation function for the algorithm’s segmentation effectiveness. Experimental results on the steamTS200inf dataset demonstrate a leakage alarm rate of 98.52% and a final frame segmentation Dice value of 78.31%, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed method in detecting steam leakage.
keywords:leak detection  background subtraction  infrared video  image segmentation
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