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冯汉枣,黎元宝,刘运奇 (联通(广东)产业互联网有限公司广东 广州 510320) 
中文关键词:异构混合服务云  多任务算力  度量方法  特征集  标识及量化
Multi-task Computing Power Measurement Under Heterogeneous Hybrid Cloud Services
Abstract:The complexity and dimension of task data under hybrid cloud service in heterogeneous networks are high, which affects the efficiency and completion rate of multi task computing power measurement. A multi task computing power measurement method under heterogeneous hybrid cloud service is proposed. Analyzing the heterogeneous hybrid cloud service system, obtaining the multitask computing power data, and extracting the multitask computing power feature set according to the obtained results. Using the constructed measurement model to identify and quantify the characteristics of multitask computing power, and establishing a multitask computing power measurement matrix by calculating the similarity of the model and the examples of the features, and then implementing the multitask computing power measurement according to the matrix. The experimental results show that the method takes less time to measure the task computing power and has a higher completion rate of multitask computing power measurement through the comparison test of the measurement performance and measurement effect of the method.
keywords:heterogeneous hybrid service cloud  multi-task computing power  measurement method  feature set  identification and quantification
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