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姜忠炜 (国网石嘴山供电公司宁夏 石嘴山 753000) 
中文关键词:大数据  线路画像  干线断线  判别函数
An Adaptive Discrimination Method for Trunk Line Disconnection Fanlts Based on Big Data and Line Profiling
Abstract:In view of the disordered characteristics of trunk line break fault, the unstable adaptive coefficient in the overall discrimination process and the increase of discrimination error, two algorithms, big data and line portrait, are introduced to propose an adaptive discrimination method for trunk line break fault. Analyze the characteristics of the broken line fault point of the trunk line, construct the line portrait, and generate the broken line portrait of the trunk line in combination with the big data of the trunk line operation, so as to improve the adaptive ability of the judgment method. Analyze the relationship between the side azimuth phase voltage at the low-voltage position, introduce a group of parameters to the idle position of the main line in the existing portrait structure, determine whether the bus voltage of the transformer is greater than the rated voltage, and use the big data algorithm to optimize the discriminant function twice to adaptively identify the overall main line disconnection fault. The simulation results show that this method can effectively solve the problem of large judgment error, and the overall adaptability is good, which meets the requirements of practical application.
keywords:big data  line portrait  trunk line disconnection  discriminant function
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