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张凡,刘正坤,林典润 (广州中科智云科技有限公司广东 广州 510000) 
中文关键词:无人机  航迹自主控制模块  鲸鱼算法  约束条件  不收敛  选择模型  航迹规划
Optimization Design and Implementation of UAV Track Control Module
Abstract:At present, in the process of UAV operation, the module that can autonomously control the flight according to the preset destination information needs to preset complex constraints under the condition of multiple optimal schemes, otherwise there will be a problem of non convergence in the optimization process, leading to poor control effect. Aiming at this problem, the improved design of UAV track autonomous control module is studied. The design can collect the position, speed and other flight information of the UAV, and upload them to the module hardware of the flight master. The software can plan and obtain the optimal track point for subsequent flight under the conditions of meeting the flight constraints and threat constraints of the UAV. In order to ensure the shortest flight distance and minimum altitude of UAV, the problem of autonomous control of UAV track is turned into an optimization problem. In the face of multiple optimal solutions, a UAV path selection model based on the Whale Algorithm is constructed. With the goal of minimizing the cost of UAV flight path, the Whale Algorithm is used to solve the UAV path autonomous control scheme and complete the software design. The experimental results show that after using the designed module, the UAV can control its flight path independently and successfully avoid static threats and dynamic threats to fly to the destination safely.
keywords:UAV  track autonomous control module  whale algorithm  constraints  non convergence  select model  route planning
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