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邵永浩,刘佳敏,罗文盛 (国网宁夏超高压公司宁夏 银川 750000) 
中文关键词:预警方法  AR技术  换流变压器阀侧套管  局部高温  多点故障
Multi-point Infrared Early Warning Method for Local High Temperature Fault of Valve Side Bushing of Converter Transformer Based on AR Technology
Abstract:In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the converter transformer and find out the local overheating caused by the discharge in the bushing in time, a multi-point infrared early warning method for the local high temperature fault of the bushing at the valve side of the converter transformer based on AR technology is studied. Considering the material properties of the bushing at the valve side of the converter transformer, taking the normal temperature change of the equipment under the actual working state as the condition, the temperature field distribution type of the bushing is described according to the current impact change form of the bushing. The virtual space is constructed based on AR technology. During the three-dimensional tracking process of the camera, the information of the measured object in the real scene is converted, and the casing real-time temperature network is registered. The temperature histogram of the bushing at the valve side of the converter transformer is generated by infrared ranging, and the temperature feature is enhanced by the fusion feature algorithm to locate the local high-temperature target point and warn the specific location of the fault. The experimental results show that the method in this paper can perform scene conversion on the valve side bushing of converter transformer under AR technology, mark the location of high-temperature fault point in local space, and complete timely warning through infrared temperature data, with application effect.
keywords:early warning method  AR technology  converter transformer valve side sleeve  local high temperature  multi-point fault
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