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石发太,孙卫军 (雅砻江流域水电开发有限公司四川 成都 610051) 
中文关键词:多元增量分析  流域电厂  大数据  采集监视  异常检测  弹性消息总线
Big Data Acquisition and Monitoring of Watershed Power Plants Based on Multivariate Incremental Analysis Model
Abstract:A big data collection and monitoring method for power plants in the basin based on the multivariate incremental analysis model is proposed to find abnormal big data of power plants through data analysis and ensure the safe operation of power plants in the basin. Under the control of PIC18F8722 single-chip microcomputer, the data acquisition layer uses a variety of sensors to obtain a variety of basin power plant data at the acquisition object layer. Through the elastic message bus and forwarding agent of the data collection layer, the collected data is transmitted to the data receiving module of the data processing layer. The multivariate incremental analysis model calls the received data, builds a normal detection model of the power plant data matrix by incremental means, and compares it with the data to be detected, Discover the big data of abnormal power plants, write the family tree of abnormal detection results into the corresponding column cluster of the data storage layer database, and present the monitoring results to the user through the front-end display layer. The experimental results show that this method can accurately and quickly collect massive data of power plants in the basin, effectively find abnormal data of power plants in the basin, and visually present them to ensure the safe operation of power plants in the basin.
keywords:multivariate incremental analysis  river basin power plant  big data  acquisition and monitoring  anomaly detection  elastic message bus
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