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尤宏宇,陈曦,边立峰 (大兴安岭地区气象局黑龙江 加格达奇 165000) 
中文摘要:中尺度环流在复杂的天气环境下时常被大尺度环流掩盖,不能及时获取中尺度云团的时空密度,影响了中尺度云团三维流场可视化模拟效果,为了提升可视化模拟性能,提出基于四叉树算法(levels of detail,LOD)的中尺度云团三维流场可视化模拟分析方法。分析了中尺度云团三维相对流场,从中获取了中尺度云团三维流场运动规律,并基于二维直方图取得中尺度云团三维流场特征;将粒子源与四叉树结构相结合,构成四叉树粒子系统,把取得的特征映射到系统内,利用该系统中的粒子完成中尺度云团三维流场的渲染绘制,从而实现中尺度云团三维流场的可视化模拟。实验结果表明,绘制帧率对比测试、可视化模拟速率对比测试和可视化模拟效果对比测试结果清晰度较高,可视化程度较高,实用性强、可靠性高。
中文关键词:LOD四叉树  中尺度云团三维流场  可视化模拟分析  渲染绘制
Visual Simulation Analysis of 3D Flow Field of Mesoscale Cloud Clusters Based on LOD Quadtree Algorithm
Abstract:Mesoscale circulation in complex weather environment is often covered by large scale circulation. The spatial and temporal density of mesoscale clouds can not be obtained in time, which affects the visual simulation effect of 3D flow field of mesoscale clouds. In order to improve the visual simulation performance, a visual simulation analysis method of 3D flow of mesoscale clouds based on LOD quadtree is proposed. The visual simulation of the three-dimensional relative flow field of the cloud is analyzed. The results show that the results of drawing frame ratio comparison test, visual simulation rate comparison test and visual simulation effect comparison test have high clarity, high visualization degree, strong practicability and high reliability.
keywords:LOD quadtree  3D flow field of mesoscale clouds  visual simulation analysis  rendering
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