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王煜,朱永忠 (河海大学 理学院江苏 南京 211100) 
中文关键词:自适应  Max-EWMA  幅值  统计过程控制
An Adaptive Max-EWMA Control Chart for Simultaneous Monitoring of Internal Time and Amplitude
Abstract:Most control charts used to jointly monitor time between event and amplitude assume that the process shift size is known, but in actual production these control charts for specific shift sizes suffer from monitoring performance degradation because the shift size of the data is unknown. To this end, this paper constructs adaptive smoothing parameters for the EWMA statistic based on unbiased estimates of time between event and amplitude, and proposes a new adaptive Max-EWMA control chart for joint monitoring time between event and amplitude (referred to as Max-AEWMA chart) by combining the structural features of the Max-EWMA statistic. Simulations show that the proposed control chart is consistently better than the existing Max-EWMA control chart when monitoring different size of shift in time between event and amplitude. For example, when a=4,b=1,λE=0.01,δa=0.59,δλE=0.73, Max-AEWMA’sARL1=4.94, Max-EWMA’sARL1=4.94. The paper also concludes with an empirical analysis to verify the superiority of the method.
keywords:adaptive  Max-EWMA  magnitude  statistical process control
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