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吴海龙,宋合,杨坤 (上海华测导航技术股份有限公司上海 201703) 
中文关键词:过流保护  射频开关  数据采集  数据通信  自动化测试
Design and Implementation of Automatic Test System for Satellite Navigation Anti-Interference RF Board
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the manual test process of satellite navigation anti-interference RF Board is complex and difficult to test in batches efficiently, an automatic test system for satellite navigation anti-interference RF Board based on C# and STM32 is proposed. Firstly, through the automatic test software, the equipment communicates with the STM32 main controller to control the RF switch circuit for data acquisition. Then, the collected data is compared and analyzed with multiple manual test results to form a number of calibration parameters and is applied to the test system. Finally, the accuracy of the system test results is verified by batch test. Through batch test data, it is proved that the error of each measurement index is less than 2.5%, and the test efficiency is at least 3.3 times higher than that of manual test, with high measurement accuracy and efficiency. At the same time, the automatic test system has overvoltage and overcurrent protection for the test board. It can effectively protect the tested board from damage, and has a good application prospect in terms of its overall performance.
keywords:overcurrent protection  RF switch  data acquisition  data communication  automatic test
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