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谢旭钦,刘泉辉,赵湘文,张清松,林剑雄,张帆 (中国南方电网有限责任公司 广东广州增城供电局广州 广东 510000) 
中文关键词:智能配电房  变压器故障诊断  油中溶解气体分析  支持向量数据描述  多分类器联合
Transformer Fault Diagnosis Model Based on SVDD and Improved K-Means
Abstract:The operation status of transformer is of great significance to the stability and reliability of intelligent distribution room. In order to realize the accurate diagnosis of transformer faults, based on the analysis of dissolved gases in transformer oil, a multi-classifier joint fault diagnosis method based on the combined use of support vector data description (SVDD) and improved K-Means clustering is proposed. First, SVDD is used to construct a closed classification surface to realize “normal” and “fault” judgments. Then K-Means clustering analysis is carried out on the “fault” samples, which are automatically divided into five types: low energy discharge, medium and low temperature overheat, high energy discharge, high temperature overheat and partial discharge. At the same time, the concept of local density is proposed to automatically determine the initial clustering center of K-Means to improve the clustering performance. Finally, the transformer fault data of the intelligent distribution room is used to carry out the verification experiment. The results show that compared with the traditional support vector machine (SVM) and BP neural network model, the fault diagnosis accuracy of the proposed method is improved by 9.8% and 8%,respectively.
keywords:intelligent distribution room  transformer fault diagnosis  analysis of dissolved gas in oil  support vector data description  multi-classifier association
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