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柳皓,马强,付强,陈远,赵通汉 (国网宁夏电力有限公司 固原供电公司宁夏 固原 756000) 
中文关键词:改进YOLOv4  智能变电站  二次设备稳态  AR红外  测温技术  损失函数
Steady State AR Infrared Temperature Measurement Technology of Secondary Equipment in Intelligent Substation Based on Improved YOLOv4
Abstract:The steady state AR infrared temperature measurement technology of secondary equipment in intelligent substation based on improved YOLOv4 is studied to realize the steady state identification of secondary equipment in intelligent substation. On the basis of analyzing the principle of infrared temperature measurement, the AR infrared temperature measuring glasses are used to collect the infrared image of the temperature of the secondary equipment in the intelligent substation, and the infrared image of the temperature of the secondary equipment in the intelligent substation is enhanced by the improved weighted guided filter enhancement algorithm. The processed infrared image is input into the improved YOLOv4 network to realize the steady recognition of the secondary equipment in the intelligent substation. The experiment shows that this method can accurately collect the internal temperature of 8 protection panels of the secondary equipment in the intelligent substation, and is close to the actual operating temperature of the equipment; At the same time, it can effectively reduce the noise of the infrared image of the secondary equipment of the intelligent substation, and has a good application effect on the steady-state identification of the secondary equipment of the intelligent substation. It can accurately identify the abnormal status of the secondary equipment of the intelligent substation, and help the operation and maintenance administrator of the intelligent substation to make corresponding maintenance plans for the abnormal status of the equipment.
keywords:improved YOLOv4  intelligent substation  steady state of secondary equipment  AR infrared  temperature measurement technology  loss function
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