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刘少博,杜水婷,徐鹏,张建锋 (国网甘肃省电力公司兰州 甘肃 730050) 
中文关键词:AIOT技术  深基坑  一体化  作业安全  视觉监测方法  YOLOv3
Safety Visual Monitoring Method for Integrated Operation of Deep Foundation Pit Based on AIOT Technology
Abstract:In view of the high safety risk of deep foundation pit integrated operation, a visual safety monitoring method for deep foundation pit integrated operation based on aiot technology is studied. The binocular vision camera is used to collect the image of the integrated operation monitoring area of deep foundation pit, and the Internet of things node is used to transmit the collected image to the remote monitoring center. After the remote monitoring center receives the images, the Kalman filter algorithm is used to optimize the monitoring images of deep foundation pit integrated operation. Use the YOLOv3 algorithm that has completed the training to identify whether there are operators who do not wear safety helmets and enter the dangerous area by mistake. When there are operators who do not wear safety helmets and enter the dangerous area by mistake, use the Internet of things node positioning method to locate the position of dangerous operators, so as to realize the integrated operation safety monitoring of deep foundation pit. The experimental results show that this method can effectively monitor the operators who do not wear safety helmets and enter the dangerous area in the integrated operation of deep foundation pit, and improve the control level of the integrated operation of deep foundation pit.
keywords:AIOT technology  deep foundation pit  integration  operation safety  visual monitoring method  YOLOv3
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