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向军1,朱娇1,吴春吉2,方雪琴3,邢诒政2 (1.海南电网有限责任公司海南 海口 5700002.海南电网有限责任公司 信息通信分公司海南 海口 570000 3.南方电网海南数字电网研究院有限公司海南 海口 570000) 
中文关键词:北斗卫星导航技术  通信载体  通信程序  配电自动化通信终端  性能验证
Design of Distribution Automation Communication Terminal Based on Beidou Satellite Navigation Technology
Abstract:In order to improve the communication reliability and anti-interference of distribution automation communication terminal, a distribution automation communication terminal based on Beidou satellite navigation technology is designed. The overall architecture,communication terminal carrier and the main program of the communication terminal of distribution automation communication terminal is designed, and the information transmission rate control program is written in the Beidou control unit to regulate the terminal power and realize the signal transmission rate control; The RF signal processing program is used to filter and amplify the RF signal. The test results show that the communication loss of the designed distribution automation communication terminal is less than 5, and the signal-to-noise ratio is greater than 10, indicating that the terminal has high communication reliability and strong communication anti-interference.
keywords:Beidou satellite navigation technology  communication carrier  communication procedures  distribution automation communication terminal  performance verification
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