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于立强1,刘佳言1,李露1,霍晓燕1,李世杰2 (1.国网冀北承德供电公司河北 承德 0670002.北京科东电力控制系统有限责任公司北京 100192) 
中文关键词:改进孪生神经网络  低频低压减载装置  在线解耦控制  潮流雅可比矩阵
On Line Decoupling Control Method of Low Frequency and Low Voltage Load Shedding Device Based on Improved Siamese Neural Network
Abstract:The excessive application of low frequency and low voltage load shedding devices leads to the problem of large load in the device system, which reduces the practicability of low frequency and low voltage load shedding devices. In order to solve this problem, an online decoupling control method of low frequency and low voltage load shedding devices based on improved twin neural network is proposed. By analyzing the frequency characteristics of low frequency and low voltage load shedding devices, this method provides important information for online decoupling control of low frequency and low voltage load shedding devices; On this basis, a hybrid model of low frequency and low voltage load shedding device is constructed, from which a trainable data set is generated, and the load shedding amount of low frequency and low voltage load shedding device system is determined according to the minimum sensitivity of load shedding characteristics of power flow Jacobian matrix; In order to improve the control accuracy of the system, the obtained results are input to the improved twin neural network, the optimal load shedding amount is trained, and distributed to the load shedding node of the device system, so as to achieve the purpose of cutting off the load, and realize the online decoupling control of low-frequency and low-voltage load shedding devices. The experimental results show that the method has strong practicability through the comparative test of load shedding efficiency and control performance.
keywords:improved Siamese neural network  low frequency and low voltage load shedding device  on line decoupling control  power flow Jacobian matrix
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