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杨南禹,时正华 (河海大学 理学院江苏 南京 211100) 
中文关键词:强化学习  无人车  势能  奖励函数  路径规划
Study on Path Planning for Unmanned Vehicles Using PBRS-SAC Algorithm
Abstract:Aiming at the path planning problem of unmanned vehicles in complex environments, an improvement was made within the framework of the soft actor-critic algorithm. The PBRS-SAC algorithm was designed by incorporating the idea of potential-based reward shaping into the reward function design, and by integrating training techniques such as double concatenation frames. Subsequently, a simulation environment based on Gazebo was constructed on the Ubuntu operating system to simulate static and dynamic experimental environments for training. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithm was assessed through ablation experiments, sensitivity testing experiments, and conducted robustness analysis experiments.
keywords:reinforcement learning  UGV  potential energy  reward function  path planning
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