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梁树杰 (广东茂名幼儿师范专科学校 广东 茂名 525200) 
中文关键词:数据挖掘  FP-growth算法  固定算法  高维混合属性
A High Dimensional Mixed Attribute Data Mining Method Based on FP-growth Algorithm
Abstract:Conventional high-dimensional mixed attribute data mining methods mostly use cloud platform technology, which can not completely preserve the structural similarity of data, making the efficiency of data mining low. For this reason, a high dimensional mixed attribute data mining method based on FP-growth algorithm is proposed. In order to improve the data quality, according to the storage structure of high-dimensional mixed attribute data in the database, a fixed algorithm is adopted to de-noise the data, and the classification and numerical similarity are calculated according to the data type, and the FP-growth algorithm is combined to filter the frequent item sample branches to generate the item header to ensure the integrity of the data structure similarity, and the data mining process is realized by outputting effective association rules from the search item header. Experimental results show that the proposed method has high mining efficiency.
keywords:data mining  FP-growth algorithm  fixed algorithm  high-dimensional mixed attributes
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