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雷鸣,姜罕盛,梁健 (天津市气象信息中心天津 300074) 
中文关键词:数据显示  WebGIS  分布式数据库  MUSIC  图形渲染
Big Data Graphics Rendering Technology Based on WebGIS
Abstract:With the rapid development of atmospheric science and technology, higher display requirements based on software graphic display function are constantly proposed in the meteorological industry. People continue to pursue more realistic visual rendering effect: on the one hand, to ensure stable and efficient rendering of massive data, on the other hand, to ensure the generation of high-quality image files. To solve this problem, a fast display scheme for massive meteorological data is proposed. By effectively compressing and transmitting data, and using GPU graphics card resources for data rendering and data time interpolation, the efficiency of data display, rendering and interaction can be effectively improved. Practical application shows that the scheme can better solve the problem of rapid display of massive data. When the real-time rendering animation for meteorological big data is played, the display speed can be as high as 30 frames + (per second), which can better meet the actual business need.
keywords:data display  WebGIS  distributed database  MUSIC  graphics rendering
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