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吕忠闯,周豪洁,方枝 (湖北中烟工业有限责任公司 武汉卷烟厂湖北 武汉 430000) 
中文关键词:异步交互聚合网络  人员  异常行为  图像识别
Identification of Abnormal Behavior of Personnel in Dangerous Working Area of Ciqarette Factorty Based on Asynchronous Interactive Aggregation Network
Abstract:Affected by the scattered operation area of the cigarette factory, the large number of operators, and the high similarity of behavior characteristics, it is unable to effectively integrate multiple groups of image behavior characteristics, resulting in a large error in the recognition results, and unable to conduct immediate warning of dangerous behaviors. Therefore, an image recognition method of abnormal behavior of personnel in the dangerous operation area of the cigarette factory based on asynchronous interactive aggregation network is proposed. According to the characteristics of the dangerous operation area of the cigarette factory, combined with the effect of image analysis of personnel abnormal behavior, the JDE behavior characteristics under the asynchronous interactive aggregation network are extracted, the angle characteristics of personnel abnormal behavior are identified, the number of different weighting factors are allocated for the output of the adjacent recognition feature interaction area type, and the asynchronous interactive aggregation recognition results are output. The experimental results show that under the optimization of asynchronous interactive aggregation network, the recognition accuracy of personnel abnormal behavior is significantly improved, the overall recognition effect is stable, and the adaptive optimization effect is obvious.
keywords:asynchronous interactive aggregation network  personnel  abnormal behavior  image recognition
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