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尉维洁,齐健1,周南1,刘化男1,高会颖2 (1.国家能源集团 新疆能源有限责任公司洗选中心新疆维吾尔自治区 乌鲁木齐 8300002.天津美腾科技股份有限公司天津 300000) 
中文关键词:深度信任网络  边界检测  车号定位  图像识别  笔画宽度变换  特征提取
Image Recognition Method of Railway Car Number of Wudong Coal Preparation Plant Based on Deep Trust Network Model
Abstract:Accurate identification of railway vehicle number can provide basis for coal plant loading, thus ensuring the efficient and smooth completion of the loading process. Therefore, a method of railway vehicle number image recognition based on deep trust network model in Wudong Coal Preparation Plant is proposed. Firstly, the original vehicle number image is collected by high-speed camera equipment, and the image boundary is detected by Sobel operator; Then, based on the font stroke width characteristics of the train number, a stroke width transformation algorithm is used to locate and determine the train number area in the image, and the LBP algorithm is used to extract features within the train number area; Finally, the extracted features are input into the deep trust network model. After training the network model and constantly updating the parameters, the vehicle number image is accurately recognized. The experiment shows that this method can accurately recognize the train number image of Wudong Coal Preparation Plant. In the deep trust network model, when the restricted Boltzmann network is 4 layers and the number of hidden layer nodes is 128, the model has the strongest classification recognition ability, the minimum training loss and the best performance.
keywords:deep trust network  boundary detection  vehicle number positioning  image recognition  stroke width change  feature extraction
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