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朱萌,俞阳,翟千惠,何玮,康雨萌 (国网江苏省电力有限公司 营销服务中心江苏 南京 210000) 
中文关键词:高光谱图像  图像分类  纹理特征  光谱特征  空间信息
Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Spectral and Texture Features
Abstract:A hyperspectral image classification method based on the combination of spectral features and texture features is proposed to solve the problem of using insufficient spatial information in hyperspectral image classification technology. The texture features of hyperspectral images are extracted by two-dimensional Gabor wavelet, hyperspectral data are analyzed by functional data analysis (FDA) framework, functional data of spectral features and texture features are generated by cubic B-spline basis system, functional principal component analysis (FPCA) is used to extract the functional principal component (FPC) of each pixel, and probabilistic SVM is used to classify spectral features and texture features respectively. The best parameter combination of spectral features and texture features is found by adjusting parameters in experiments, so as to improve the classification accuracy. Through experiments on two hyperspectral image datasets with different spatial resolutions, the influence of parameter changes on classification accuracy is analyzed. Compared with other similar methods, the overall accuracy (OA) of randomly selecting 5% samples and 10% samples as training samples is 1.39% and 3.87% higher than that of EMAP+SVM respectively.
keywords:hyperspectral image  image classification  texture features  spectral features  spatial information
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