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沈梓正,李海勇,田君杨,黄超,黄鹏飞,蒋连钿 (广西电网有限责任公司 电力调度控制中心广西 南宁 530001) 
中文关键词:知识库  全景信息  图像匹配算法  母线保护装置  三维分级  故障检测
Three-dimensional Hierarchical Fault Detection Method for Bus Protection Device Based on Knowledge Base and Panoramic Image Matching Algorithm
Abstract:Research a three-dimensional hierarchical fault detection method for bus protection devices based on knowledge base and panoramic image matching algorithm, reasonably detect bus protection device faults, and ensure the safe and stable operation of bus protection devices. Using information such as failure cases and troubleshooting manuals as the theoretical basis for building a hierarchical knowledge base, design relational knowledge; Design 3D model index knowledge through panoramic image acquisition, feature extraction, and matching operations to build a knowledge base for bus protection devices; The fuzzy hypothetical inference algorithm is introduced into the inference engine to obtain corresponding fault diagnosis results; In the 3D visualization level, PHP language is used to build a Web server, design a 3D visualization back-end program, and present the 3D visualization results of fault detection. The experimental results show that this method can effectively achieve three-dimensional hierarchical fault detection of busbar protection devices, and the fault detection results are consistent with the actual fault conditions, which can better meet the actual work needs.
keywords:knowledge base  panoramic information  image matching algorithm  bus protection device  three-dimensional classification  fault detection
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