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黄湧,雷通 (中国能源建设集团 广东省电力设计研究院有限公司广东 广州 510000) 
中文关键词:DNA编码  图像加密  混沌系统
Dynamic DNA-encoded Digital Image Encryption Algorithm Against Plaintext Attacks
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that traditional image encryption algorithms are susceptible to plaintext attacks, this paper proposes a digital image encryption algorithm that combines DNA dynamic coding and discrete chaotic system. Firstly, a discrete chaotic system with complex dynamics and low computational complexity is selected to provide a high-quality entropy source for the image cryptosystem. Next, a plaintext correlation mechanism is designed to generate chaotic encryption sequences to defend against selected plaintext attacks. Then, the chaotic sequence is used to disrupt the image bit plane and perform the operations of DNA encoding, obfuscation and decoding sequentially. Finally, bit-plane obfuscation is performed to obtain the final ciphertext. Theoretical analyses and experimental results show that the image encryption algorithm in this paper has the properties of large key space, strong correlation between adjacent pixels, and excellent statistical properties of histogram, the algorithm has the ability of robustly resisting plaintext attacks.
keywords:DNA coding  image encryption  chaos system
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