投稿时间:2024-02-23  修订日期:2024-05-09  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 27
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林锦添* 中国电信国际公司 香港 350001
中文关键词:互联网数据  云存储数据  数据访问控制  匿名访问  可信访问  细粒度数据  
An Anonymous and Trusted Access Control Method for Internet Fine grained Cloud Storage Data
Abstract:The label noise in fine-grained cloud storage data on the Internet results in low concurrency control and reduces the effectiveness of anonymous trusted access control. Therefore, a method for anonymous and trustworthy access control of internet fine-grained cloud storage data is proposed. Analyze the noise variation pattern of internet cloud storage data during link transmission, and obtain the deviation characteristics of this noise. Based on the analysis results, divide the granularity of the data and measure the noise feature to remove noise. Add information signatures to the data to anonymously verify the ciphertext, and analyze the resulting digital signature to calculate credibility, achieving anonymous and trustworthy access control of the data. The experimental results show that the access control results obtained after the application of the proposed method exhibit a high number of concurrent controls and control efficiency, meeting the security and confidentiality requirements of internet cloud storage data.
keywords:Internet data  Cloud storage data  Data access control  Anonymous access  Trusted access  Fine grained data  
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