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刘晓波1,2,冯冼1,张思睿1,郑秋生1,周武宁3 (1.湖南省气象信息中心,湖南 长沙 4101182.气象防灾减灾湖南省重点实验室湖南 长沙 4101183.奇安信科技集团股份有限公司湖南 长沙 410000) 
中文关键词:零信任模型  动态授权  可信访问通道  可信终端空间
Research on Provincial Meteorological Information Network Protection Technology Based on Zero Trust
Abstract:With the unified export requirements for external services of provincial meteorological departments,the system and data are gradually intensified,and some provincial units have established data centers dedicated to providing external data services,and traditional network security technology is strained under the current new business forms and scenarios. As a new concept of network security,zero trust provides theoretical guidance for reconstructing network security architecture. This paper designs a zero-trust-based security architecture applicable to provincial meteorological departments,constructs a trusted access channel of meteorological network based on zero-trust to solve the security problem of data access pipeline,proposes a method of dynamic data authorization access to solve the problem of meteorological data security access credit,and proposes a terminal trusted space scheme to solve the data leakage problem on the terminal.
keywords:zero trust model  dynamic authorization  trusted access channel  trusted terminal space
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