投稿时间:2024-03-14  修订日期:2024-06-11  点此下载全文
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胡瑗* 湖南力唯中天科技发展有限公司 410000
胡涛 长沙智能驾驶研究院有限公司 
中文摘要:为了提高智能交通信号机的远程控制效率,设计了一个基于公共网关接口(CGI, common gateway interface)的信号机控制系统;系统硬件设计上实现了云平台层、中央控制系统层、扩展单元层的多层系统架构;软件设计上以CGI技术为基础来形成多个功能模块的控制体系,云平台通过以太网直接调用中央控制系统上的CGI模块完成控制数据的处理与转发,通信协议则以JavaScript对象表示法(JSON, JavaScript Object Notation)定义;然后建立共享内存主题模型来解决系统内存与CGI模块的数据交互,共享内存空间出现数据变化将会唤醒订阅该主题的系统进程及时更新内存数据,最后系统通过CAN通信对扩展单元的灯色进行控制;
中文关键词:公共网关接口  JavaScript对象表示法  共享内存主题模型  远程控制  
Intelligent traffic signal machine control system based on common gateway interface
Abstract:In order to improve the remote control efficiency of intelligent traffic signal machine, a novel control system based on common gateway interface(CGI) was presented. The multi-layer system architecture of cloud platform layer, central?control?system layer, expansion unit layer for the system hardware was designed. In the software design, different functional modules formed the control framework based on CGI technology that could be called by the cloud platform for data processing and forwarding, while the communication protocol was defined by JavaScript object notation(JSON). Then, to address the data exchange challenge between the CGI module and system memory, a shared memory topic model was established, any data changes in the shared memory space would wake up the processes that subscribe to the topic to update memory data, finally the system controlled the expansion light unit by CAN communication.
keywords:common gateway interface(CGI)  JavaScript object notation(JSON)  shared memory topic?model  remote control  
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