投稿时间:2024-03-18  修订日期:2024-05-27  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 64
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刁君华 新疆农业大学 830013
冯向萍* 新疆农业大学 830052
马新春 新疆电子研究所股份有限公司 
中文关键词:机器学习  人工处理  噪声  Logistic  随机森林
Landslide Research Based on Integrated Logistic Regression Algorithm
Abstract:Landslide is a common geological disaster, which is affected by factors such as landslide curvature and slope. However, these factors generally exist in the form of continuous data. Traditional machine learning classification algorithms cannot adapt to this type of data. Manual processing is generally used to convert it into discrete data. This method is not only labor-intensive, but also cannot accurately classify the influencing factors. The discretized interval range generates noise. For this experiment, an integrated machine learning model was proposed, using the Logistic algorithm as the classifier and the random forest algorithm as the continuous data processing tool to reduce the noise impact caused by manual processing. The model was verified on the landslide disaster data set, and the F1 value reached 90.1%.
keywords:Machine learning  manual processing  noise  Logistic  random forest
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