投稿时间:2024-03-20  修订日期:2024-03-31  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 54
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盛少杰 江苏科技大学 212003
解志斌* 江苏科技大学 212003
宋科宁 中国人民解放军95829部队 
中文摘要:为了解决应急场景下数据新鲜程度极为敏感的问题,本文提出了一种基于峰值信息年龄(Peak Age of information, PAoI)的多无人机 (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)数据收集策略。在该策略中,将目标函数PAoI定义为全局的数据收集时间、传输时间以及前往数据传输点的飞行时间三者之和,并提出一种联合UAV任务分配、飞行速度和传输速率的优化算法来最小化目标函数PAoI。针对问题和约束的非凸性质,根据坐标下降法原理将问题分解为三个子问题。首先,基于亲和力传播聚类(Affinity Propagation, AP)和蚁群算法实现UAV的最优任务分配。其次,通过引入不同的松弛变量并基于连续凸逼近(Successive Convex Approximation, SCA)算法将非凸问题变凸,优化UAV的飞行速度和传输速率。最后,给出了三个子问题交替迭代的联合优化算法,实现PAoI的最小化。实验结果验证了所提算法在减少全局PAoI的有效性,表明所提策略适合对数据新鲜程度有严格要求的应急通信场景。
中文关键词:无人机  应急通信  峰值信息年龄  数据收集
Multi-UAV Data Collection Strategy based on PAoI in Emergency Scenarios
Abstract:To address the issue of highly sensitive information freshness in emergency scenarios, this paper proposes a multi-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data collection strategy based on the Peak Age of Information (PAoI). In this system, the objective function PAoI is defined as the sum of global data collection time, transmission time, and the flight time to the data transmission point. A joint optimization algorithm for UAV task allocation, flight speed, and transmission rate is introduced to minimize the objective function PAoI. Given the non-convex nature of the problem and constraints, the coordinate descent method is employed to decompose the problem into three sub-problems. Firstly, optimal UAV task allocation is achieved through affinity propagation clustering and ant colony optimization. Secondly, by introducing different relaxation variables and utilizing a successive convex approximation algorithm, the non-convex problem is transformed into a convex one for optimizing UAV flight speed and transmission rate. Finally, a joint optimization algorithm with alternating iterations for the three sub-problems is presented to minimize PAoI. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in reducing global PAoI, indicating the suitability of the proposed strategy for emergency communication scenarios with stringent requirements on data freshness.
keywords:UAV  emergency communication  PAoI  data collection
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