投稿时间:2024-03-25  修订日期:2024-06-19  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 47
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刘华喜* 国网安徽省电力有限公司 237000
中文关键词:多源数据集成  输变电全景信息  遥控监视  数据相似度  损失函数  风险权重  
Visual Monitoring Method for Transmission and Transformation Panoramic Information Remote Control Based on Multi source Data Integration
Abstract:Due to the diverse sources of data in power transmission and transformation systems, it is not possible to fully explore the correlation between different data sources, resulting in poor monitoring effectiveness of voltage and current load. Therefore, this article introduces multi-source data integration technology, which timely updates weights to adapt to data changes, calculates multi-source adaptive integration weights, and improves the visual monitoring effect of transmission and transformation panoramic information remote control. Construct a data pattern and ontology relationship for panoramic information of power transmission and transformation, and fully explore the correlation between different data sources through multi-source adaptive integration of weights; Automatically adjust weights based on changes in data to achieve multi-source data integration processing of transmission and transformation panoramic information; Construct a visualization model for the implementation of transmission and transformation panoramic information, combine it with the power remote control loss function, calculate the risk weight of power monitoring, and complete the design of the transmission and transformation panoramic information remote control visualization monitoring method, effectively improving the monitoring effect of voltage and current load. The experimental results show that the application of the above method can effectively monitor the panoramic information of power transmission and transformation, achieve control of voltage and current load, and solve the problem of power hosts being unable to remotely control the network system due to high power levels.
keywords:multi-source data integration  Panoramic information of power transmission and transformation  Remote monitoring  Data similarity  Loss function  Risk weighting  
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