投稿时间:2024-04-02  修订日期:2024-06-12  点此下载全文
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柳静* 河南应用技术职业学院 450042
基金项目:1.河南应用技术职业学院青年骨干教师资助项目,项目编号:2023-GGJS-X001; 2.2021年度河南省重点研发与推广专项科技攻关项目(212102210430); 3.2022年河南省职业教育和继续教育课程思政示范课程《Java程序设计基础》 (项目号:【2022】195)
中文关键词:KUKA工业机器人  抗扰动控制技术  线性扩张状态观测器  级联控制结构
Design of a disturbance resistant control method for KUKA industrial robots
Abstract:When KUKA industrial robots perform tasks, complex task decisions are affected by various disturbance factors. In order to resist this interference, the translation and rotation states are merged into one, resulting in joint coordinates needing to tolerate a certain degree of concentrated interference error in the two different states. This error will cause significant deviation between its operating trajectory and the predetermined path of the robotic arm swing angle, thereby affecting control accuracy. Therefore, a KUKA industrial robot disturbance resistant control method is proposed. After obtaining the KUKA industrial robot pose matrix, perform kinematic analysis on it and clarify the robot joint coordinates in both translation and rotation states. Based on the results of kinematic analysis, construct a disturbance resistant control model for KUKA industrial robots. The model consists of a differential controller, an adaptive robust sliding mode controller, and a linear extended state observer. After compensating and controlling for concentrated disturbances, the speed error converges to 0 within a finite time. After experimental testing, it was concluded that the proposed method controls the displacement trajectory of KUKA industrial robot very close to the expected trajectory, effectively resisting the influence of disturbance factors on the robot, and controlling its lateral and steering angles within a reasonable range, without causing sudden angle changes in the robot.
keywords:Big data analysis  KUKA industrial robot  Anti disturbance control technology  Linear Extended State Observer  Cascade control structure
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