投稿时间:2024-04-16  修订日期:2024-05-08  点此下载全文
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李炜* 国网思极飞天(兰州)云数科技有限公司 730050
魏军 国网甘肃省电力公司互联网事业部 
闫润珍 国网思极飞天(兰州)云数科技有限公司 
苏蕊 国网思极飞天(兰州)云数科技有限公司 
顾冰凌 国网思极飞天(兰州)云数科技有限公司 
中文关键词:多传感器融合  无线电池  高精度监测
"Multi site Fusion" Energy Storage Station Low Power Wireless Battery High Precision Monitoring Based on Multi sensor Fusion
Abstract:In order to improve the monitoring accuracy of wireless batteries in energy storage stations, a high-precision monitoring method of low-power wireless batteries in energy storage stations based on multi-sensor fusion is proposed. Based on the multi-sensor acquisition of low-power wireless battery monitoring signals of energy storage station, and using Kalman filter to improve wavelet threshold algorithm, the state estimation of denoised sensor output signals is carried out. Combined with the adaptive weighting algorithm, the multi-sensor monitoring results are fused, and the particle filter algorithm is used to realize the high-precision monitoring of low-power wireless batteries in energy storage stations. The experimental results show that the monitoring error of the residual discharge capacity and the monitoring error of the charging capacity are low, and the monitoring response time is less than 0.5ms, which can realize high-precision monitoring.
keywords:Multi-sensor fusion  Wireless battery  High precision monitoring
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