投稿时间:2024-04-23  修订日期:2024-04-28  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 39
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王淑君 武汉科技大大学 430070
刘华明* 武汉科技大大学 430070
中文关键词:电动汽车  协调控制  滑模控制  经济性  力矩分配
Research on Coordinated Control of Torque Distribution for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles
Abstract:Control stability and drive motor efficiency are important indicators for the coordinated control of electric ve-hicles. For distributed drive electric vehicles, this paper proposes a layered control strategy based on direct yaw moment control. The upper controller adopts a sliding mode control strategy to track the target speed, adjust the slip rate and calculate the additional yaw moment. The lower controller designs the front wheel independ-ent drive allocation algorithm and the optimal tire utilization algorithm respectively according to the slip rate. Matlab/Simulink simulation experiments are used to verify the layered control algorithm. The results show that the proposed sliding mode control strategy can control the lateral deflection Angle and yaw Angle speed within the ideal range, and the two distribution algorithms of the lower controller can improve the working ef-ficiency of the drive motor, and the wheel slip rate is controlled in a lower range. The research results can pro-vide a theoretical basis for the coordinated control of distributed drive electric vehicles.
keywords:electric vehicle  coordination control  sliding mode control  economy  moment distribution
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