投稿时间:2024-05-15  修订日期:2024-07-12  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 41
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刘建华 华北水利水电大学 450000
朱梦琳* 华北水利水电大学 450000
尹泉贺 华北水利水电大学 
中文摘要:针对红外船舶图像目标识别任务中,因红外图像存在不同尺度大小的目标且噪声干扰大导致特征信息丢失漏检误检率高的挑战,提出一种基于YOLOv8的船舶目标识别算法CL_YOLOv8。首先,针对输入的船舶数据经过逐层的特征提取和空间变换时丢失大量信息,设计可编程梯度信息结构CbPGI(Combine Programmable Gradient Information),使模型获得可靠的梯度信息来更新网络权重,提高检测精度。其次针对CbPGI模块使模型计算复杂度、参数量变大的问题,引入高速推理卷积PartialConv,构建LWPC(Lightweight PartialConv)结构。该结构只在输入通道的一部分上应用常规卷积进行空间特征提取并融合,减轻模型存储需求。构建LWPC结构的算法计算复杂度下降了31.3%,模型参数量也下降了22.8%。相同实验条件下,CL_YOLOv8算法在自建的船舶数据集上检测精度mAP50达到91.0%,相较于基线模型提升了3.05%。
中文关键词:水面红外目标  船舶识别  多尺度融合  YOLOv8
Research on Water Surface Infrared Target Recognition Method with Improved YOLOv8
Abstract:During the task of targets identifying infrared ship images, due to the presence of targets of various scales in the infrared images and noise interference that leads to loss of feature information, the resulting algorithm in high missed and false detection, propose a YOLOv8-based ship target recognition algorithm named CL_YOLOv8.Firstly, for the input ship data, a large amount of information is lost during feature extraction and spatial transformation layer by layer, a programmable gradient information structure CbPGI (Combined programmable Gradient Information) is designed to enable the model to obtain reliable gradient information to update network weights and improve detection accuracy. Secondly, to address the problem of increased model computational complexity and parameters caused by the CbPGI module, we introduced the high-speed inference convolution PartialConv. We constructed the LWPC (Lightweight PartialConv) structure. This structure applies conventional convolution on only a portion of the input channels for spatial feature extraction and fusion, reducing the model storage requirements. The algorithm computational complexity of constructing the LWPC structure decreased by 31.3%, and the model parameter decreased by 22.8%. Under the same experimental conditions, the CL_YOLOv8 algorithm achieved a detection accuracy of 91.0% in mAP50 on the self-built ship dataset, which is 3.05% higher than the baseline model.
keywords:surface infrared targets  ship recognition  multi-scale fusion  YOLOv8
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